Search Results
Smallville 3x13 - Clark finds Pete at Jason Dante's house
Smallville 3x13 - Pete & Jason Dante's race
Smallville 3x13 - Pete comes to visit Jonathan and tells Clark about his trouble with Dante
Smallville 3x13 - Pete is getting ready for another race
Smallville 3x13 - Clark catches up with Pete out on the highway
Smallville 3x13 - Clark is shooting hoops when Pete drives up
Smallville 3x13 - Dante guesses that it was Pete who called the sheriff
Smallville Season 3 Clark finds out the Pete joins the Fast and Furious
Smallville Season 3 Clark is disappointed in Pete about Dante death
Smallville Season 3 Clark and Pete caused Dante accident death
Smallville 3x13 - Pete will offer the Porsche to Dante as the prize in a race against Dante
Smallville Season 3 Clark helps Pete with a Dante situation